This is our weather advisory page.
We will post any cancellation of classes or other activities due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Check here between 4 and 5 pm on the day in question.
Weather CancellationsWednesday January 12, 2011 - Classes and activities cancelled due to snow storm. |
Wednesday January 26, 2011 Classes will run as scheduled |
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 Classes are running as scheduled (If you feel you are not comfortable on the roads you may make up your class later in the term) |
Wednesday February 2, 2011 Classes are cancelled due to icy road conditions Make up class will be a double session on February 9th | Friday March 8th 2013 All DanceSport Boston lessons and classes are cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. |
Tuesday December 17th 2013 DanceSport Group Classes are Cancelled for the evening due to the snow storm |
Friday March 2, 2018 - Due to the inclement weather and flooding road conditions DanceSport Boston's Group classes and the Studio Open House are cancelled for this evening. The Studio Open House is rescheduled for Friday March 9th beginning at 7:30 pm. Friday night class members will receive an extra class when they register for the March-April term. |
Unfortunately our Saturday Evening Dance in Hanover scheduled for tonight March 3rd 2018 is cancelled due to the loss of electricity at the Cardinal Cushing Venue. |
Tuesday March 13th 2018 DanceSport Boston will be closed due the weather conditions. An email concerning the Tuesday group classes has already been sent to all class members. Please check your email. Thank You. |