DanceSport Boston Dance Studio DanceSport Boston 24 Athens Street North Weymouth 02191
Our telephone is 617-325-1562
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"We Transform People's Lives Forever with More Fun through Ballroom Dancing"
Come discover how ballroom dancing can transform you and add more fun to your life. Dancing rejuvenates your feelings of well being. It increases your personal confidence. When you attend events such as weddings, business parties or fund raising galas, knowing how to dance in partnership makes all the difference. It's the difference between having a great time and some fun or being bored silly. Even cruises and vacations can be more fun when you can dance...
Wouldn't it be great to guarantee yourself a way of having more fun wherever you go?
Ballroom dancing is fun and enjoyable. It's a comfortable way to meet someone new. One dance at a time. No one is a born a dancer. People, just like you, with little or no dance experience took the time to acquire their dance skills. You'll acquire the skills too by discovering how to dance in partnership.
And we'll help you do that. We'll show you how to dance exceptionally well within a reasonable amount of time.
There's no better place to discover more about dancing than at DanceSport Boston's Dance Studio.
You can call 617-325-1562 to arrange your first visit but before you do why not read the rest of this page and be better informed.
My name is John Paul one of the owners of DanceSport Boston.I want to have a conversation with you ...
DanceSport Boston is different from other ballroom dance studios... And here's why
Our approach is different. You see, we won't ask you to make an appointment unless we can be sure we can give you the value you would expect from your dance lessons. We take time to ask you the right questions ahead of time. Questions about what you need and want. There's no hype, no pressure. Isn't that refreshing to know?
Just a reasonable conversation between you and me. It usually takes a couple of converstions by telephone, face to face or by email.
By the way if you're in a hurry don't despair because our conversations get right to the heart of what matters to you right now. Once I know a little more about you, it's easier for me to make my best recommendation to you. Specifically for what your next step should be. It might not be what you expect.
My recommendation will be based on what you share with me. I'll ask some questions, listen to your answers and if it seems like I can help you and you're willing to invest some time towards your dancing I'll give you a recommended course of action for your current situation. If I believe I cannot help you I'll say so. It happens. In that case you'll have only invested in some conversation time and won't have spent a single dollar. Does that sound reasonable to you? If so let's start our conversation. Call 617-325-1562 or Email me here
Frankly, it's possible you will make a significant investment into your dance lessons. Many of our students do. And if that is the case, as I said earlier I want to be absolutely sure you receive value for your investment. As the owner I wouldn't have it any other way. Would you?
John Paul/ owner
A little about our studio...DanceSport Boston’s in depth method of dance instruction is led by Anna Maria & John Paul. DanceSport Boston offers group classes and private lessons in both the American and International Styles. We hold weekly dance sessions called Dance Party Fridays. It's the place to gain confidence in applying your new dancing skills.™” We have a teaching principle that says "DanceSport Boston builds dancers from the feet up" so make an appointment for your first lesson and find out what that means.
From day one you'll help create your roadmap for success in dancing. Along the way you'll be able to feel and track your progress as you discover more about dancing. You'll receive recognition for your accomplishments from the beginner to advanced levels of ballroom dance. Together Anna Maria and I invite you to join us in the elegant and exciting world of ballroom dance because DanceSport Boston is “Where People like You Are Discovering How Ballroom Dancing Transforms Lives Forever with More Fun”
"Transforming People's Lives Forever with More Fun Through Ballroom Dancing"
It's What We Do
Getting Around Our Website Finding the information you need is easy. Use the drop down menus at the top of each page. -
Click on our Dance Instruction menu at the top of this page. It will take you to our PDF gallery with the most current schedule for our group class lessons, our Friday Evening Dances and other studio events. Note the scrolling messages because they contain times and dates of several ongoing and or upcoming events that may be of interest you and your friends. Contact DanceSport Boston